An Post sizes and rates

Postal rates are calculated by the weight and shape of the item you are posting, which are categorised into four distinct formats: Letter/Postcard, Large Envelope, Packet and Parcel.

Once your item's dimensions or weight exceeds the limits of any category it automatically moves to the next category of mail.


What can I send?

Most letters, postcards, bills, statements, greeting cards and some brochures will be classed as a letter/postcard.

Find out more about limits and dimensions...

Large Envelope

What can I send?

Everyday items like unfolded A4 letters and documents, brochures and magazines, CDs and DVDs will be classed as a large envelope.

Find out more about limits and dimensions...


What can I send?

Items and gifts including video cassettes, books, product samples, multiple DVDs or CDs, posters and prints in cylindrical tubes will mostly be classed as packets.

Find out more about limits and dimensions...


What can I send?

All items larger than a Packet are classified as Parcels.  These include all large boxed items such as electrical goods, components, irregularly shaped items and cylindrical shaped items such as large posters and point-of-sale materials.

Find out more about limits and dimensions of parcel and Packet sizing

and more information for the pricing and up to date Policy, Go to an posts website.